welcome to linwood

what's going on here?

hello traveler! I'm levya and I take care of this forest. it's my little home on the internet where I share my thoughts, art, projects, and whatever else I feel like putting here!

this forest exists at a crossroads between dimensions, with visitors from all sorts of worlds coming and going, some lost, some simply wandering. whether you're one of the lost ones or not I hope you enjoy exploring this strange space! you may even come across a secret page or two :)

site warnings: the webgarden and collections pages may contain bright flashing images

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some of my indie web pet peeves

Apr 8th 2024

I’ve been on the fence about writing this for a while now because I was worried it would come across as too negative, but sometimes being a hater can be relatable and cathartic. Plus, these are just minor annoyances, it isn’t that serious. Feel free to agree or disagree!

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